Sunday, May 18, 2014


Snowy Cupcakes is about my life so far!
So clearly you can see, my life is so far annoying and weird (as you read here) so I'm going to tell you about yesterday because it's today morning.
May.17, 2014, Saturday
I woke up at 8:30 yesterday, and we ate breakfast and finished at 9:00. Then, my dad installed a bell and his bike too. Then, we planned out a route and put our bikes in the gray highlander and headed to Dalhousie. When we were at Dalhousie, we didn't go on the train but instead, went biking on a path. It was a bright sunny day and we brought 3 water bottles. 
Before we knew it, we were near downtown where we FINALLY crossed the Peace Bridge! So basically we took a million pictures on it, and then we were in downtown. At downtown, we took a little break and suddenly we had stop to take a breath, and figure out the route, and I thought it was 12:00 but it was 11:44. 
Then we left downtown near Fort Calgary. Then we went to Princess Island Park, or was it Prince Edward Park? Anyway, we also crossed Beaver Dam Park, which is when I got SUPER SUPER tired! There was a LOT of uphill after that! I was so tired and we got a little lost, but the best part is that he added me on WeChat and we went on the C-train and show me that we went a LONG way! 

Thanks for this GREAT day! Emoji It was fun! LOL

Then after that, we ate cereal and stuff, and we had to go to a ghost place beside Cochrane. It was boring, but my phone made it fun, and we got a stuffy horse from a garage sale for 50 cents for Sabrina and a battery powered cat for $1.00 for me!

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